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Threat to Health of the Nation - Food Pyramid

M. E. Kopeevich 1 and M. A. Timurkizi 2
1. National Scientific-Practical Center of Physical Culture, Almaty, Kazakhstan
2. Kazakh National Medical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Abstract—Activity is provided with receipt of exogenous food connections (“a food pyramid”) and use of endogenous sources (“a power pyramid”). On the basis of the analysis of relationship of absorptive and post absorptive food periods the generalized metabolic model of metabolism is offered and certain algorithm of use of separate food unions for ensuring processes of rehabilitation and work. For the modern person insufficiency of endogenous power materials for maintenance of intellectual and operator kinds of activity that is the main reason for development of chronic noninfectious diseases–diabetes and obesity is characteristic. Such insufficiency approaches of correction are offered. 
Index Terms—theories of food, noninfectious diseases, prevention

Cite: M. E. Kopeevich and M. A. Timurkizi, "Threat to Health of the Nation - Food Pyramid," International Journal of Food Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 134-138, December 2015. doi: 10.18178/ijfe.1.2.134-138
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