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Insecticide Residue Removal by Microbubble Treatments in Fresh Consumed Agricultural Products: A Preliminary Study

Janyawat T. Vuthijumnonk and Warawaran Shimbhanao
College of Integrated Science and Technology, Rajamangaka University of Technology Lanna, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Abstract—Four major groups of insecticide, organophosphate, carbamate, organochlorine, pyrethroid, are used in agricultural cultivation to achieve high and constant product quality. However, insecticide residue contamination is one of the major problems that effect human health widely. In this study, two fresh consumed agricultural products, orange and banana, were treated with three types of microbubble, air microbubble (AMB) or oxygen microbubble (OMB) for 15 or 30 min. Then the products were tested for insecticide residue contamination using GPO-TM kit, a test kit for detection of all four insecticide groups. After 15 minutes of treatments with microbubble both AMB and OMB, insecticide residues was still found. Interestingly, both AMB and OMB effectively removed all four-insecticide residue from the products after 30 minutes of the treatments.
Index Terms—Microbubble technology, Insecticide removal, Insecticide contamination, Advance oxidative process

Cite: Janyawat T. Vuthijumnonk and Warawaran Shimbhanao, "Insecticide Residue Removal by Microbubble Treatments in Fresh Consumed Agricultural Products: A Preliminary Study," International Journal of Food Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 205-208, September 2019. doi: 10.18178/ijfe.5.3.205-208
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