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Effect of Ohmic Heating on the Physical Properties of Fried Carrot Cubes

Mohammed M. Ismail, Sebahattin S. Turgut, Erkan Karacabey, and Erdogan Kucukoner
Department of Food Engineering, Suleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey
Abstract—In the present study, the effect of ohmic heating on some physical and quality properties of carrot cubes was evaluated. Carrot cubes (1 cm3) were pre-treated at two different voltage levels (95 V and 150 V) for 10 seconds. Then, carrot cubes were fried in sunflower oil for 60 seconds at 180°C. Moisture content (%, db), oil content (%, db), textural properties (firmness; g-force and hardness; g-force) and colour parameters (L*, a*, b* and total colour change; ΔE) of the samples were determined. According to the results, the moisture content of carrot samples varied in the range of 67.98±0.82-88.72±0.03 and the lowest corresponding value belonged to the carrot sample treated at 150 V. Similarly, the highest oil content (7.15±0.90) was measured for that same cube sample, as well. Any significant difference in hardness value was not observed among all fried samples (p>0.05). For colour parameters, the highest L* (61.04±1.03) and a* (31.22±1.52) were measured at the surface of raw carrot cubes and highest b*(44.35±0.82) was found for the sample treated at 95 F. The lowest L* (51.49±1.03) was measured on the surface of the samples subjected to the ohmic heating at 150 V. The lowest values corresponding to a* (18.95±1.43) and b*(38.10±1.45) were for the samples fried without ohmic treatment. The total colour change (ΔE) was in between 15.68±1.62 to 16.32±2.26 for all fried samples.
Index Terms—carrot, ohmic heating, frying, physical properties, quality

Cite: Mohammed M. Ismail, Sebahattin S. Turgut, Erkan Karacabey, and Erdogan Kucukoner, "Effect of Ohmic Heating on the Physical Properties of Fried Carrot Cubes," International Journal of Food Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 190-194, September 2019. doi: 10.18178/ijfe.5.3.190-194
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