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GM Food: A Crime against Humanity?

Thomas V. Prevenslik
QED Radiations, Discovery Bay, Hong Kong
Abstract—Modern agriculture controls weeds by spraying Roundup containing water and Glyphosate onto crop fields. To enhance Glyphosate penetration through weed leaves, POEA is usually included in Roundup. POEA stands for polyoxyethyleneamine. But weeds alone cannot be sprayed and the POEA enters the leaves of adjacent corn and soybean crops as an emulsion of NP globules that finally reside in the plant crop. NP stands for nanoparticle. Upon ingestion of GM food, metabolic heat in the gut is generally thought to increase the NP temperature. GM stands for genetically modified. But this finds basis in classical physics when in fact QM governs NPs in particular. QM stands for quantum mechanics and requires the heat capacity of NPs to vanish. Conservation of heat in NPs therefore cannot occur by an increase in temperature and instead proceeds by emission of UV radiation. Nearby DNA are damaged and if the scrambled genes are not repaired by the immune system may lead to birth defects, autism, and cancer. Indeed, the UV radiation from NPs supports experiments over the past decade showing NPs damage DNA. Whether altering the DNA of the people of the world by NPs in GM food is discussed as a crime against humanity. 
Index Terms—GM food, DNA damage, UV radiation, nanoparticles, classical physics, quantum mechanics

Cite: Thomas V. Prevenslik, "GM Food: A Crime against Humanity?" International Journal of Food Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 148-152, June 2018. doi: 10.18178/ijfe.4.2.148-152
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