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Bread towards Functional Food: An Overview

U. K. Ibrahim, R. M. Salleh, and S. N. S. Maqsood-ul-Haque
Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Mara, 40450 Shah alam, Selangor, Malaysia
Abstract—With a variety of foods that are currently available, it is our responsibility to choose the best food for the fastest impact on the development of mind and health. In general, the best food is the food that is lawful and clean, balanced, nutritious and schedule. These foods are called functional foods. Functional foods are classified as fortified, enriched or enhanced foods that provide health benefits with essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Phytochemicals and phenolic antioxidants in plant including fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices are recognized as active ingredient which is responsible for human health. Opportunities for incorporating these active components into food like bread have grown rapidly since bread is one of the staple foods in many countries. Consumption of this functional food could enhance the human health performance and prevention from diseases. Therefore, bread containing antioxidant/phenolic content may lead to high consumer demand. This paper presents the potential of plant which have high antioxidant incorporated in bread to make it as a functional food. The review shows that the bread as functional food is a good source which has many benefits especially towards human health. 
Index Terms—functional food, antioxidant, phenolic content, bread
Cite: U. K. Ibrahim, R. M. Salleh, and S. N. S. Maqsood-ul-Haque, "Bread towards Functional Food: An Overview," International Journal of Food Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 39-43, June 2015. doi: 10.18178/ijfe.1.1.39-43
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